“Umugore mu iterambere” women empowerment, an event that was hosted by Grace Room Ministries founded and led by the servant of God Pastor Julienne K. Kabirigi, aiming at empowering women of “Inkundamahoro” community in Kimisagara-Nyabugogo and mitigating the use of drugs that is mostly found in the youth in the area. We broke the ice with the talents of the renowned DJ Brianne as she entertained the youth and led them into celebration as she played songs of praise that the youth, women and everyone around danced to, in that moment we also had fun activities where the public tried to grab as much money from the cash machine. We then proceeded with testimonies of those that were affiliated with drugs. The community was able to find themselves in the testimonies of the young men and were moved and impacted by their stories.
We then welcomed the woman of God herself Pastor Julienne K. Kabirigi as she ministered what the Lord had put on her heart. We read the scripture of John 4:5-30 of the woman that met Jesus at the well, she gave a teaching and encouragement that just like Jesus met the needs of the woman at the well, so does he know struggles and tears of everyone present, she proceeded to give her own testimony of how she was drawn out of darkness and came to the light by the Grace of Lord. The multitude was moved by the ministration such that men and women and the youth were shedding tears. By the end of the ministration, 1,663 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
The event was proceeded by Grace Room Ministries handing over a cheque of 7 Million Rwandan Francs to Inkundamahoro in support of 100 women and Mituelle de sante worth 3 Million Rwandan Francs to Kimisigara sector respectively. This was presided by the servant of God, the vision bearer of Grace Room Ministries Pr. Julienne Kabanda. By the grace of God we continue to participate in the development of Women and the community in general.
As we came to the end of this magnificent day, many won different prizes from a quiz, the prizes included bicycles, smartphones, schoolbags, books, Kitenge.
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